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Robustness of different pattern recognition methods is one of the key challenges in autonomous driving, especially when driving in the high variety of road environments and weather conditions, such as gravel roads and snowfall. Although one can collect data from these adverse conditions using cars equipped with sensors, it is quite tedious to annotate the data for training. In this work, we address this limitation and propose a CNN-based method that can leverage the steering wheel angle information to improve the road area semantic segmentation. As the steering wheel angle data can be easily acquired with the associated images, one could improve the accuracy of road area semantic segmentation by collecting data in new road environments without manual data annotation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two challenging data sets for autonomous driving and show that when the steering task is used in our segmentation model training, it leads to a 0.1-2.9% gain in the road area mIoU (mean Intersection over Union) compared to the corresponding reference transfer learning model.
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We present a novel neural model for modern poetry generation in French. The model consists of two pretrained neural models that are fine-tuned for the poem generation task. The encoder of the model is a RoBERTa based one while the decoder is based on GPT-2. This way the model can benefit from the superior natural language understanding performance of RoBERTa and the good natural language generation performance of GPT-2. Our evaluation shows that the model can create French poetry successfully. On a 5 point scale, the lowest score of 3.57 was given by human judges to typicality and emotionality of the output poetry while the best score of 3.79 was given to understandability.
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We present a DialGPT based model for generating creative dialog responses that are conditioned based on one of the following emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, pain, sadness and surprise. Our model is capable of producing a contextually apt response given an input sentence and a desired emotion label. Our model is capable of expressing the desired emotion with an accuracy of 0.6. The best performing emotions are neutral, fear and disgust. When measuring the strength of the expressed emotion, we find that anger, fear and disgust are expressed in the most strong fashion by the model.
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We present a novel approach to generating news headlines in Finnish for a given news story. We model this as a summarization task where a model is given a news article, and its task is to produce a concise headline describing the main topic of the article. Because there are no openly available GPT-2 models for Finnish, we will first build such a model using several corpora. The model is then fine-tuned for the headline generation task using a massive news corpus. The system is evaluated by 3 expert journalists working in a Finnish media house. The results showcase the usability of the presented approach as a headline suggestion tool to facilitate the news production process.
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We present a method for extracting a multilingual sentiment annotated dialog data set from Fallout New Vegas. The game developers have preannotated every line of dialog in the game in one of the 8 different sentiments: \textit{anger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, pained, sad } and \textit{surprised}. The game has been translated into English, Spanish, German, French and Italian. We conduct experiments on multilingual, multilabel sentiment analysis on the extracted data set using multilingual BERT, XLMRoBERTa and language specific BERT models. In our experiments, multilingual BERT outperformed XLMRoBERTa for most of the languages, also language specific models were slightly better than multilingual BERT for most of the languages. The best overall accuracy was 54\% and it was achieved by using multilingual BERT on Spanish data. The extracted data set presents a challenging task for sentiment analysis. We have released the data, including the testing and training splits, openly on Zenodo. The data set has been shuffled for copyright reasons.
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Probabilistic user modeling is essential for building collaborative AI systems within probabilistic frameworks. However, modern advanced user models, often designed as cognitive behavior simulators, are computationally prohibitive for interactive use in cooperative AI assistants. In this extended abstract, we address this problem by introducing widely-applicable differentiable surrogates for bypassing this computational bottleneck; the surrogates enable using modern behavioral models with online computational cost which is independent of their original computational cost. We show experimentally that modeling capabilities comparable to likelihood-free inference methods are achievable, with over eight orders of magnitude reduction in computational time. Finally, we demonstrate how AI-assistants can computationally feasibly use cognitive models in a previously studied menu-search task.
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过场动物是许多视频游戏不可或缺的一部分,但是它们的创作既昂贵又耗时,并且需要许多游戏开发人员缺乏的技能。尽管AI已被利用为半自动过场动画的生产,但结果通常缺乏专业人类董事特征的样式的内部一致性和统一性。我们用Cine-AI克服了这一缺点,Cine-AI是一种开源程序性摄影工具集,能够以杰出的人类导演的风格生成游戏中过场动画。 Cine-AI在流行的游戏引擎团结中实现,具有新颖的时间轴和情节板界面,用于设计时间操纵,并结合运行时摄影自动化。通过两项使用定量和定性措施的用户研究,我们证明了Cine-AI产生过过过场动物,这些过场动物与目标主管正确关联,同时提供高于平均水平的可用性。我们的导演模仿数据集可公开使用,可以由用户和电影爱好者扩展。
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该研究形成了由芬兰民族学家和语言学家,Matthias Alexander Castr \'en(1813-1852)收集和出版的材料进行的各种任务的技术报告。 Finno-Ugrian社会正在将Castr \'en的稿件作为新的关键和数字版本出版,同时不同的研究团体也关注这些材料。我们讨论了所用的工作流程和技术基础设施,并考虑如何创建有利于不同计算任务的数据集以进一步提高这些材料的可用性,并帮助进一步处理类似的归档集合。我们专注于以一种方式处理的集合的部分,这些集合可以在更提高其在更多技术应用中的可用性,补充较早的这些材料的文化和语言方面的工作。大多数这些数据集在Zenodo公开使用。该研究指出需要进一步研究的特定区域,并为文本识别任务提供基准。
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